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The Suppression of Truth and the Dumbing Down of the West

Much of the moral breakdown and increase of wickedness in the West is due to the suppression of truth and the dumbing down of the populace.

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Subversion: How a Change of Tactic Helped the Left and Islam Capture the West

Both the Left and Islam changed their tactics against the West from military confrontation to subversion from within—and it’s worked a charm.

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Augustine and the Advent of Amillennialism

The church father Augustine of Hippo is without a doubt the central figure associated with the eschatological view of amillennialism. His viewpoint became the prevailing doctrine of the Roman Church, and it was adopted with variations by most of the Protestant Reformers along with many other teachings of Augustine.[1] To this day, it has become […]

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Premillennialism In Patristic Church History

Premillennialism, also known as ‘chiliasm’ (from the Greek χίλια ἔτη, “a thousand years,” Rev 20:2-3) is the belief of a visible reign of Christ in glory on earth with the risen saints for a thousand years, before the general resurrection and judgment. It was indeed not the doctrine of the church embodied in any creed […]

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